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  • Alumni

    Memorandum of Alumni Association

    List of Alumni's of Motilal Nehru College
    S.No. Name Position Held Organisation
    1. Sh. Khem Chand Advocate
    2. Dr. Prem Janmejay Reader College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi
    3. Sh. Jagbir Singh Badana Advocate J.S.Badona & Co.
    4. Sh. Kapil Singh Sub. Divisional Magistrate  
    5. Prof. Srimati Chakraborty Head Chienese Deptt. East Asian Deptt., University of Delhi
    6. Sh. Radha Krishan Private Secretory Min. of HRD, Deptt. of Education
    7. Sh. Inderjeet Singh President Grade IV, V & VI, Association of IFS
    8. Sh. Rajeev K. Bhatnagar Assttt. Regional Manager The Hindu
    9. Sh. Naresh Dhawan Prop. The God Gym
    10. Sh. Sudarshan Kr. Dev. C.E.O Rohan Associates Ltd.
    11. Sh. Gurpreet Singh Wahi Head, Mkt. Tiger Systems (india) Pvt. Ltd.
    12. Sh. Gouri Shankar Sharma Prop. Rising Travels
    13. Sh. K.K. Khanna   R.R. Hospital
    14. Sh. Sandeep Gupta Director S.G. Enterprices
    15. Sh Ravinder Sharma Chartered Accountant Ravindra Sharma & Associates
    16. Sh. Ashok Kumar Lecturer Motilal Nehru College
    17. Sh. Suresh Kumar D'Mam Grade-I DND (SDG)/MHQ
    18 Sh. Suresh Harmilapi Director Sports, Autority of India
    19. Sh. Anil Kansal Director Maulik Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
    20. Prof. Ajay Tiwar Professor Department of Hindi, University of Delhi
    21. Sh. Sanjay Puri Concillor, Jankpuri Member, Standing Committee, MCD
    22. Sh. Ved Prakash Dubey Asstt. Director, Dy. Editor Rajbhasha Vibhag, Home Ministry
    23. Sh. Sat prakash Rana Ex-MLA Delhi
    24. Sh. Karan Singh Tanwar MLA Delhi, Cantt, New Delhi
    25. Dr. I.P. Singh Ex-Joint Sec. All India Congress Committee (I)
    26. Sh. Jagmohan Puri Manager Goodricke Group Limited
    27. Sh. Willam John Proprietor Yogmaya
    28. Sh. Munish Tamang Sr. Lecturar Motilal Nehru College
    29. Sh. Bharat Lamba Finance Company Magma Leasing Ltd.
    30. Sh. Ashish Tandon Proprieter Surgical MorthodermSurgicals
    31. Sh. Sanjeev Sharma Inspector, D.P. D.P.
    32. Sh. Satpal Singh S.H.O. S.H.O. Mayur Vihar, Delhi
    33. Sh. Suresh Kaushik S.H.O. S.H.O., C.P., Delhi
    34. Sh. H.M. Bakshi Inspector Delhi Police
    35. Sh. O.P. Singh Inspector Delhi Police
    36. Sh. Parveen Bansal S.T.A. Motilal Nehru College
    Relive the good old days!


    Motilal Nehru College attracts students from all over the country and abroad, and from diverse strata of society. The Motilal Nehru Alumni Association (MNAA) is a body instituted with a view to provide a platform for interaction and cultural exchange amongst the current and old students.

    The MNAA invites ex-students to enroll themselves as members. The College would like to know where you are and what you are doing. Let the younger generation benefit from your rich experience. Our alumni association meets regularly at designated intervals. The College encourages and honors alumni who contribute significantly to its activities.

    Come, let's join hands and meet again to share memories and renew our bonds of friendship!

    We look forward to hear from you and meet? you.

    This is to inform you all that College is preparing a comprehensive record of achievements of its students and alumni for its reference. The idea is to get connected to all its students and alumni for a meaningful dialogue. It is a requested that you provide certain information that will help in this process College will make a databank of all the alumni and would like to have your active participation in growth process of your College. The College is looking forward for your active cooperation.